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stored code中文是什么意思

用"stored code"造句"stored code"怎么读"stored code" in a sentence


  • 存储的代码


  • Isolated storage should not be used to store code
  • How to use the toolbox to temporarily store code and controls
  • To manage the folders in which you store code snippets and to add new snippets , click code snippet manager on the
    若要管理在其中存储代码段并添加新代码段的文件夹,请在“工具”菜单上单击“代码段管理器” 。
  • Gets information about the compiler type , compiler parameters , and the directory in which to store code files generated from non - code files such as . wsdl files
    获取与编译器类型、编译器参数以及用来存储根据非代码文件(如. wsdl文件)生成的代码文件的目录有关的信息。
  • In the design of control software , the paper designs the keyboard and ir communication in mcu system using assembly language of snc in series , and store coding data of ir protocol in memory to achieve ir communication
  • There are two parts to the cache : the global assembly cache contains assemblies that are explicitly installed to be shared among many applications on the computer ; the download cache stores code downloaded from internet or intranet sites , isolated to the application that caused the download so that code downloaded on behalf of one application or page does not impact other applications
用"stored code"造句  
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